Course Prices
All our discounts for club members, volunteers, assistance rates, youths, etc are automatically calculated at checkout. You need to be logged in with up to date profile information and paid up memberships to avail of these discounts.
Pricing Policy
Standard Rates
We aim to be a financially sustainable and independent organisation while keeping our membership, courses and trips accessible to all. We hope to achieve this with a base rate that offers great value, is affordable to most and is enough to support the club. We are a registered charity and not-for-profit organisation.
We really value our family groups and those that attend several times a week and we know the costs of this add up very quickly. To help achieve our mission to encourage regular, life-long physical activity and involvement in social and community sport we already offer the following discounts: members, family/sibling, for booking a block of sessions, subsidised/funded courses and more.
Assistance rates
However we understand that not everyone can afford these rates (even with the discounts). We hope that price should never be the main barrier to participation. Therefore we have added in an "Assistance Rate" or reduced price option for anyone who would not be able to attend at the standard rates.
The assistance rates will be around 50% off for most courses and sessions but will range from free to 15% off for specific courses and memberships.
There is no means testing for this, all we ask is that you make an honest declaration that you and/or your family members value the benefits of attending but would not be able to do so at the regular rate.
Families who may not consider themselves to be exactly "low-income" but who (for example) would like for several members to attend several times a week and find the total price prohibitive, should consider this option for some or all of the sessions attended
How to claim
If you wish to avail of our assistance rates please send an email to, with the subject line "Assistance Rates", stating that, "I / my family value the benefits of attending but would not be able to do so at the regular rate and request to pay the assistance rates.”
We will reply with instructions on how to book courses and join the club.
Instalment options
Before you ask for our assistance rate, please first consider spreading the cost over several payments . We have set up instalment options on all eligible products (Introductory rates for new joiners not included).
How to claim
If you wish to avail of our assistance rates please send an email to, with the subject line "Assistance Rates", stating that, "I / my family value the benefits of attending but would not be able to do so at the regular rate and request to pay the assistance rates.
When you have sent the email, please check the box in your Profile as described in the reply email.
Please note, there is no "Assistance Rate" for the Introductory Membership or new joiners as this is as cheap as we can make it already.
Upon payment processing, discount eligibility will be checked and if incorrect the full amount will be requested before your booking or membership will be processed. An administration fee of £15 will be added. If you are at all unsure which options to choose, please contact us before completing checkout.
Sample Prices
For our members
1 hour evening sessions in town are a maximum of about £12 per session.
However our aim is that you will rarely pay this price as you get discounts for; early booking bock, family members, U18s, assistance rates and more.
Applying all eligible discounts, you may pay as little as £3 per session.
Longer trips and those further away will have a base rate of £15 to £20 with similar discounts applying
Specific skills courses, training and accredited courses may cost more due to increased cost of delivery and bringing in paid external providers.
For non-members
1 hour evening sessions in town are a maximum of about £18 per session.
Longer trips and those further away will have a base rate of £25 to £30 with similar discounts applying.
If you enjoy paddling with us and return, it will very quickly be worth becoming a member to avail of the cheaper prices and other benefits
Many of our Introductory courses have heavily discounted membership included in the non-member price.
Specific skills courses, training and accredited courses may cost more due to increased cost of delivery and bringing in paid external providers.
For all, please note:
All these discounts are in line with our aims of promoting lifelong involvement in social outdoor exercise for health and well-being. Even our full price course compare favourably with the “commercial” equivalent
We are a registered, not-for-profit charity.