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Board Members

Chloe Hamilton

 Club chairperson 5 years now - learned to paddle in 2003 through my job in an outdoor center and then the surf competition squad and attended European and Worlds competitions until 2009 and since then paddled recreationally. Joined the club in 2011 and through this, I became a L1 & L2 coach for Canoe and Kayak, then a Sea Kayak Leader and Surf Leader, and then more recently a SUP Coach and Moderate Warer Seakayak Coach. I am now a coach Educator for FSRT a Paddlesports instructor and an aspirant tutor for several other awards.  I am passionate about sea kayaking and really enjoy my coaching. I helped set up our pioneering inclusive sessions, kid's games with aims, and Junior Leaders sessions alongside providing mentoring to our coaching team.

Philippa Bennett

I joined Erne paddlers 6years ago and have gained my 3 stars in open boat, sea kayak, river and surf. I have also gained my level 1 coaching and then my level 2 coaching. I coach for lSOC and enjoy getting everyone of all abilities on the water you can make everything into a fun game. I have recently completed my sea leader training and looking forward to work towards the completion of this qualification. I joined the board 3 years ago


I have been paddling since 2016, and it feels like longer. I've had so much fun. I started with a beginner's course in collaboration with my high school and Erne Paddlers. I enjoyed it so much that I joined the club that summer.

I went to the club and started playing Kayak Polo, an intense, competitive sport for flatwater kayaking. I played that for about 2 years weekly before joining the Junior Leader Development program. Now I am a qualified Paddlesport Instructor. I coach on a volunteer basis regularly and I am working towards my white water leader award to continue my own paddling experience and advancement.

In 2023, I also joined the club board with an amazing team of passionate people for the development of the club. It has been a great experience helping with the huge amount of work that goes into running the club, and promoting the 5 steps to mental health and well-being.

Patrick Walsh

I have been paddling for 8 years & in 2017 I joined Erne Paddlers to progress my skills. I started with bringing my kids to their pool sessions but enjoyed it so much I volunteered to do some coaching. Since then I've went on to qualify as a Paddle Sport Instructor & White Water leader (Running Rivers is my favourite 😁)

Having said all that, just getting out paddling with friends is what I love most about it! 

My background & interests.... 

I'm a Father, husband, woodworker.

Interests are anything that involves being outdoors; camping, tree climbing, the sea & of course paddling. 

Some interesting facts about me (I hate this part!).... 

I've done work for Gordan Ramsey & my products where used at a recent royal wedding. 

Erne Paddlers has given me great opportunities, not only for my water confidence & building coaching awards but I also get to take my kids along on our paddling sessions so it's great for family time & making memories.


I have always enjoyed water sports activities and have a level 3 RYA dingy sailing qualification in the past have been an RYA Junior Windsurfing Instructor. I started paddling 3 - 4 years ago to participate in a “relaxing” pastime that would help keep me healthy, but the sport has given me so much more, especially since joining Erne Paddlers. I’ve met some great people who have all helped me develop my paddle sports skills. I have recently completed my Paddlesport Instructor training and am now in a position to give a little bit back to the club as a volunteer/assistant.


Nathan Bennett

I have been paddling for 4 years now with Erne Paddlers and I have loved every minute of my adventures. I have my 3* in Sea, Surf, River & Open Canoe and I am a Level 2 Coach for the Club.

I have just completed my Whitewater River Leader training and I am working my way toward my assessment to share the excitement of the rivers we all love paddling. 

My favourite paddles with Erne Paddlers have been sea kayaking at Slieve Tooey and a day trip to Tory Island in Donegal.

I look forward to seeing you on the water and Happy paddling!


Isaiah Solomon is a Level 2 ICU coach. His outdoor sports journey began in Leitrim where he studied outdoor sports and recreation. He developed a strong passion for watersports especially whitewater kayaking. Isaiah has paddled many whitewater rivers in Ireland, NI and abroad. He also developed a passion for coaching and introducing others to outdoor activities. Isaiah has worked at many outdoor centres, both local and abroad, teaching various outdoor activities. He is active in a range of outdoor sports and is always keen to get out paddling.

Jon Kelly

Jon Kelly is one of our long-standing club trained Level 2 coaches. He has enjoyed being an avid member of E.P since it's early stages of development and has manned the paddles as a club committee member and kept the club accounts for a number of years. Jon has progressed through levels of paddling development within the club, gaining L3 in the river, surf and sea. His long-standing interest is kayak polo which he has focused on and coached since the club invested in a set of polo kayaks many moons ago. Jon has a polo referee certificate and can often be heard to say 'when are more paddlers coming to polo!' Jon has worked with young people as an art tutor, teacher and learning assistant and brings this experience to his coaching. Recently he has brought his creative workshop skills too bare on fabricating a ply and glass canoe and is currently designing and building his first kayak :)


 I am a relative newcomer to paddling having first sat in a kayak in 2017 at one of the club's introductory courses. After a fairly intense learning curve and a lot of time spent on the water, I qualified as a Paddlesport Instructor in late 2018. I’ve long been fascinated by all things coast, sea and lough and for me paddling is one of the best ways to explore and observe nature from an angle that not many people get to see. I particularly enjoy journeying and sea kayaking and am always looking to increase my knowledge and skills to become a better paddler. I feel privileged to live in such a beautiful area with so many waterways to explore and to be part of this club.


 I was introduced to paddling in 2010 and I haven't stopped ever since. It has been the most amazing journey, taking me to places I never even knew existed. Adventures I never thought I would have. Discovering our beautiful planet and having that sense of freedom. I like to take part in all water sports. Or anything to do with the wonderful outdoors. I have been helping out with erne paddlers for a few years now it's really helped my coaching skills and given me opportunities to progress in my own personal paddling. I've met some amazing people along the way who have become my friends. Paddling is not only great for fitness but is fantastic for the mind. 

I'm a level 2 paddle sport coach, white water leader, sea kayak leader, and level 3 paddleboard coach. I am currently on my way to becoming an assessor paddle sport leader, and paddle sports instructor. 

Greenland rolling has played a huge part in paddling life, so much so that I've been making paddles now for quite a few years, each paddle getting better every time. I'm also a 2 times All Ireland Greenland games gold medalist.  I teach yoga on paddleboards yoga for paddlers and much more.... Paddling, water, and being surrounded by nature have always been a form of meditation for me, being in the moment, living in the now.

John Sammon

Growing up next to the lake has always given me a love for water sports. I was introduced to paddling at a very young age. It was when my dad bought an old battered up canoe and fixed it up that I first got out on the lake in a canoe. Throughout my childhood I loved canoeing and as soon as I found out about a local club I thought where do I sign up. Since then I have hugely developed my skills and met many new people while making lots of friends. I have tried many different disciplines of the sport; some of which I didn’t even know existed. Although it can be cold, I love the opportunity to get out on a river or surfing as I really enjoy the thrill of kayaking in rough water. I also love to get out in my own play-boat and mess around. I would like to learn more tricks.

After spending a few years in the club I decided I wanted to progress my skill level even more and become a paddlesports instructor. From this, I have enjoyed passing my skill on to others and watching them develop from things that I have shown them how to do.


I am often told that I am stupidly confident, Enre Paddler is probably why! I’ve been in the club for 6 years; during this time, I have gotten my kayak instructor and first aid qualifications from Enre Paddlers. Also, I’ve had many great opportunities, and it helps me to develop the ability to grow my skills as a paddler like practical paddling skills, basic safety, and general life skills you should have when on the water or in the wilderness. But honestly what I really enjoyed was the many laughs. Like our sports day. Where we should have won! The incredible people I’ve met and the enjoyment I have gotten from water sports. That will hopefully continue for many years to come!! 

Paul Harrington

Our FT Club Development Officer, Paul "Harry" Harrington is a L5 PaddleNI / PaddleUK coach and coach educator. He has a passion for both the outdoors and helping others through coaching. Involved in the paddlesport for a long time, Harry has coached the successful NI Surfkayak and Waveski squad for over 10 years and has made surfkayaks, waveskis, and surfboards in his shed.  He has also been instrumental in the development of the sports structure at the national and club level, helping gain international recognition for NI’s work in this area. 

He has a passion for life-long learning and the benefits of continuous improvement and mindfulness. He recently completed a Pg diploma in Sport Psychology and is active in a number of outdoor sports.